APFS действительно новая файловая система от Apple вобравшая в себя лучшие черты ZFS.
Но в дисковой утилите вы его не найдете, только через командную строку diskutil
diskutil apfs list
WARNING: You are using a pre-release version of the Apple File System called
APFS which is meant for evaluation and development purposes only.
Files stored on APFS volumes may not be accessible in future releases
of macOS. You should back up all of your data before using APFS and
regularly back up data while using APFS, including before upgrading
to future releases of macOS.
You can pass the «-IHaveBeenWarnedThatAPFSIsPreReleaseAndThatIMayLoseData»
option between the «APFS» verb and the APFS sub-verb to bypass this message.
Proceed? (y/N) y
No APFS Containers
Подробнее здесь.