Maksym Prokopov personal blog
Idea is a something worth sharing

CloudFlare Tunnel Terraform


How to provision CloudFlare tunnel using Terraform

CloudFlare Tunnel can be useful to use reliable alternative to ngrok when you need to expose your application running locally to the outside world.

The following example exposes my application locally running on port 3000 to the Internet on the hostname


How does it work?

  1. cloudflared CLI is an agent running locally and connected to CloudFlare cloud.
  2. DNS record of type CNAME is created, pointing to the CloudFlare cloud.
  3. CloudFlare does the routing magic!

Terraform part

resource "cloudflare_tunnel" "main" {
  account_id = "777414c2d4e87234087ebac4685e7df6"
  name       = "tunnel-to-app"
  secret     = random_id.main.b64_std

resource "cloudflare_tunnel_config" "main" {
  account_id = "777414c2d4e87234087ebac4685e7df6"
  tunnel_id  =

  config {
    warp_routing {
      enabled = true
    ingress_rule {
      hostname = ""
      service  = "http://localhost:3000"
    ingress_rule {
      service = "http_status:404"

resource "cloudflare_record" "main" {
  value   = "${}"
  proxied = true
  name    = "app"
  type    = "CNAME"
  zone_id =

Local tunnel part

  1. Find generated token for resource cloudflare_tunnel.main
TOKEN=$(terraform show -json | jq -r '.values.root_module.resources[] | select(.address=="cloudflare_tunnel.main").values.tunnel_token')
  1. Use token
cloudflared tunnel run --token=${TOKEN} tunnel-to-app

Mikrotik Terraform


It is in general very good idea to manage infra configuration as a code. Unfortunately, Mirkotik terrafrom support is basic, as OSS driven.

Nevertheless, I appreciate author for effors.

Here is an example how to use it with Hashicorp Vault.


export VAULT_ADDR=http://vault_address:8200
export VAULT_TOKEN=<token>
terraform init
terraform plan


provider "vault" {}

data "vault_generic_secret" "main" {
  path = "common/mikrotik/nexus-home"

provider "mikrotik" {
  host           =["address"]  # Or set MIKROTIK_HOST environment variable
  username       =["username"] # Or set MIKROTIK_USER environment variable
  password       =["password"] # Or set MIKROTIK_PASSWORD environment variable
  tls            = false                                           # Or set MIKROTIK_TLS environment variable
  ca_certificate = "/path/to/ca/certificate.pem"                   # Or set MIKROTIK_CA_CERTIFICATE environment variable
  insecure       = true                                            # Or set MIKROTIK_INSECURE environment variable

// /ip address
// :put [find where address=""]
// *1

// terraform import mikrotik_ip_address.lan '*1'
resource "mikrotik_ip_address" "lan" {
  address   = ""
  comment   = "LAN Network"
  interface = "ether2"

// uncomment on release
# resource "mikrotik_firewall_filter_rule" "https" {
#   action             = "accept"
#   chain              = "forward"
#   comment            = "Web access to local HTTP server"
#   connection_state   = ["new"]
#   dst_port           = "443"
#   in_interface       = "ether1"
#   in_interface_list  = "local_lan"
#   out_interface_list = "ether3"
#   protocol           = "tcp"
# }

terraform {
  required_providers {
    mikrotik = {
      source  = "ddelnano/mikrotik"
      version = "0.10.0"

Group Greeting


There are lots of options to greet collegue or close ones with cards.

This one was recommended by one of the coworkers.

Group Greeting Cards

Новое оформление блога


Все течет, все меняется.

Когда-то тебе нравились одни штуки, проходит некоторое время, и тебе уже нравятся другие. Мы меняемся, а вместе с нами и мировосприятие.

Так и с этим блогом. Для чего «рюшечки» и красивое «журнальное» и скеуоморфное оформление блога, если люди сюда приходят почитать?

Поэтому встречайте другую крайность — Content is the King. Иными словами суровый минимализм.

Как вам?