The article provides overview of facts why Emacs is so different but also so powerful comparing to other editors. It gives a good starting point for the reader to understand the fundamentals and start own journey to effective work.
The way of learning is painful, but rewarding. The essense of Emacs is to codify your specific repetitive tasks so that eventually you realize, the editor contains a lot of customizations speeding up your daily routines, as no other editor does.
I do the following things in Emacs:
While Ansible is a great tool for certain use cases, such as building new AMIs when used with Packer, it has some downsides. These become apparent when using it for container orchestration (which I have witnessed at scale) or keeping the configuration of a set of nodes in sync.
Another significant, though not dramatic, downside is related to Python version and dependency management. This adds extra complexity that I would prefer to avoid in a system management tool.
Recently, I stumbled upon a concept that sounded new to me: Compliance as a Code.
The core idea is to “embed compliance policies into the code that can be repeated and tested automatically.” But what does it mean in practice?
For example, consider PCI DSS, which requires measures to secure credit card information to ensure compliance. Tools like Terraform, Ansible, and others should contain the code for encryption, access control, and data obfuscation. Additionally, before deployment, automated tests in the CI/CD pipeline should validate that the application meets PCI DSS requirements.
Short video with overview of Palettro, small utility that brings VSCode like navigation to any macOS application to boost your productivity.
SRE Simplified : Error Budget concept.
The concept of Error Budget is useful for setting up alerts of different severity. This video explains in extremely simplified manner how it works.
The next issue of SRE Simplified is about Service Level Agreement.
Service Level Agreement is an agreement between service supplier and a customer about what the target quality of the service is and what are the consequences if the promise is broken.
But the challenge here is to eastablish monitoring and alerting.
This video provides very simplified example of an SLA for the company that produces apples.
What are the SRE concepts, like Service Level Agreement and Reliability?
The challenge is to explain it in simplified manner, without deep discussions on different monitoring strategies.
In this first video I tried to just to scratch the surface.
WireGuard is a relatively new protocol. It claims to be greatly simplified and faster comparing to alternatives, it uses UDP as primary transport and encapsulates encrypted traffic from IP layer. Let's investigate if it's true!
Some differences help to stand out of other VPN solutions:
I was able to connect Mikrotik, FrtizBox 6690, macos, iPad and iPhone using WireGuard with little efforts.
When it comes to the topic how Prometheus and Alertmanager work together and how to restrict alert notification to fire only on working hours, typicall solution is to apply workaround to avaluated alert rule expession like this
and ON() (hour() < 19 and hour() > 8) and ON() (day_of_week() > 0 and day_of_week() < 6)
The full example of such rule is the following
- alert: DummyWorkhoursAlert
expr: 1 and ON() (hour() < 19 and hour() > 8) and ON() (day_of_week() > 0 and day_of_week() < 6)
for: 5m
identifier: "{{ $labels.exporter }}/{{ $labels.queue }}"
summary: "Buyerportal: Dummy alert for working hours {{ $labels.queue }}"
description: "* don't do anything, dummy alert *"
But the proper solution is to apply mute_time_intervals, as per example below
I use org-mode extensively with org-roam for keeping my knowledge and journals together and working as my brain dump destination. This blog serves kinda the same purpose, so why not to combine these things under Emacs umbrella?
Blogging from Emacs boils down to two options.
TLDR; Hugo can render org file natively, but support of features is quite limited, or use org as source that rendered to markdown. The latter brings issues of content syncing from origin to end result.