docker run -p 8080:8080 -e KEYCLOAK_USER=admin -e KEYCLOAK_PASSWORD=admin quay.io/keycloak/keycloak:11.0.3
One account. All of Google.
Originally published at www.blogger.com.
One account. All of Google.
Originally published at www.blogger.com.
Suprisingly, Pharo turns out to be interesting solution for managing web pages fully by the pure OO classes and objects.
Use binding object to run code within other object context.
stderr output
highlight your code and insert in presentation
Speeding up Ruby on Rails in docker
Bundle package will create a cached copy, so bundler in docker will not fetch all dependencies all the time. bundle package
Create separate bundler data volume to perisist bundle between builds. Set BUNDLE_PATH to data volume. You can include this option just for development docker-compose.yml file and not to include in production. version: “2” services: memcached: image: memcached networks: — back-tier redis: image: redis ports: [“6379”] networks: — back-tier db: image: mysql:5 volumes: — .
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Unlike docker-compose sometimes kubectl provides you better tooling for docker container access.
Let me share with you my useful findings.
With port-forward, you can easily connect to pods service and debug it.
kubectl port-forward podname port For example
kubectl port-forward sharepass-78d566f866-4dvv5 3000 kubectl port-forward sharepass-78d566f866–4dvv5 3000
Forwarding from -> 3000
Forwarding from [::1]:3000 -> 3000
Handling connection for 3000
Handling connection for 3000
This will forward port 3000 to localhost, so you can open URL http://localhost:3000 and enjoy access to your service.
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TLDR: because of the networking layer and how docker volumes implemented.
Почему нужно проинвестировать время в изучение двух древних языков Lisp и SmallTalk?
Я уверен, что это сделает вас на шаг ближе к стадиям развития специалист и эксперт.
Nikita Prokopov сделал отличный talk о стадиях компетентности программиста. Идея в том, что каждый программист на своем пути развития проходит пять стадий развития:
- Новичек
- Продвинутый
- Компетентный
- Специалист
- Эксперт
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