Maksym Prokopov personal blog
Idea is a something worth sharing

2020 week 22


В еженедельном формате я буду публиковать ссылки, которые мне пригодились, в первую очередь чтобы разгребать все, что попадает в мой backlog, но также и делиться с читателями.

Также мне очень нравится подход, которому я научился у американцев, считать неделями. В году ведь всего 52 недели и каждая пронумерована, так довольно прикольно индексировать.

2020 week 21


Ruby and Smalltalk


Ruby has so much inspiration from the Smalltalk!

Here are my findings:

Про редакторы и IDE

Я люблю время от времени тыкать палочкой в различные редакторы и пробовать их в своей работе. Сейчас появилось очень много интересных и быстрых штук типа Sublime, Atom, LightTable. Ребята из Jetbrains создают отличные (но медленные и прожорливые) IDE типа WebStorm, RubyMine, PyCharm.

How to increase Kubernetes PVC size for AWS EBS

It’s quite simple to increase PVC size since K8s 1.11 kubectl describe pvc and find your storage class. Name: jenkins Namespace: jenkins StorageClass: jenkins-gp2 Status: Bound Volume: pvc-473e3dbf-b759-11e9-9cbc-02a7fb0b6cca Labels: Annotations: yes yes Finalizers: [] Capacity: 16Gi Access Modes: RWO VolumeMode: Filesystem Mounted By: jenkins-6b5c9bcbbb-gr2l5 Events: kubectl edit storageclass jenkins-gp2 add the following to your storage class allowVolumeExpansion: true kubectl edit pvc jenkins
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My new modern web site stack

In the age of Kubernetes and all this fancy stuff, I decided to make something really simple and as static as possible. The modern, cutting-edge tech stack. This is a story about reincarnation featured with responsiveness and saving all the functionality it had before. Though it wasn’t a simple, but very interesting journey. Here are the specs I wanted to preserve: Multilanguage support, due to Ukrainian language law enforcement we had to introduce one more supported language among English and Russian PDF dynamic generation based on what user was chosen Dynamic tariff calculations with dependencies on the services of user’s choice Easy data management.
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My recent tasks


Applescript instantly open Zoom link from the iCal calendar

This is really my little timesaver because you know, a lot of meetings happen when you work remotely. Works best with Alfred 4 using mapped hotkey. tell application "Calendar" tell calendar "" set itemLocation to location of first event where its start date ≤ (current date) + 10 * minutes and end date ≥ (current date) if itemLocation contains "" then tell application "Finder" to open location itemLocation end tell end tell

Applescript instantly open Zoom link from the iCal calendar


This is really my little timesaver because you know, a lot of meetings happen when you work remotely.

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The bad thing about Rails is that by default it suggests using own messy design patterns like fat…

The bad thing about Rails is that by default it suggests using own messy design patterns like fat models. I mean all these callbacks in AR, observers and everything that is good for a simple blog but fails for a big application. You have to use a very little part of Rails to apply DDD concepts.