DORA metrics Exporter for Grafana. Assess performance of software development for your entire company.
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Ruby On Rails 7, KnockoutJs, MySQL
ClojureScript + Hugo + AWS Lambda NodeJs (pdf-generator + sendgrid)
Local first project using Ollama + Mistral/LLama/OpenAI models
Python 3, Langchain, Ollama LLM, Groq API, OpenAI API
Javascript (Typescript)
One click login to AWS console via Okta page. Console open time dropped from 10 sec to 3 sec and from 5 clicks to 1 click.
Workspace not detected with Terraform Cloud
Pritunl bastion fails to connect to 7th environment
exporter fork to fix the high load spike on the first run.
Executes all queries on startup and this caused a huge load on the instance, plus monitoring alerts and replica lag.
Car Renting SaaS
Ruby on Rails 7 + MySQL
PHP 3.0.3 + MySQL -> migrated to Parser 3 + MySQL + XSLT
One of the remarkable side-projects was a website about unwanted pregnancy prevention methods
PHP + MySQL -> migrated to static Hugo
Bank Statements Management system