Maksym Prokopov personal blog
Idea is a something worth sharing

org-roam ideas

Reading time: 2 min.

I love talking about ideas. org-roam has quite simple idea for organizing your knowledge. I didn’t believe it works when I gave it a try.

The essense of the Zettelkasten method is following:

  1. Keep your notes split apart in one single folder.
  2. Insert tags and backlinks to group notes together.

That’s it!

What is so special about this? Let’s say I started moving all things from my backlog pile into separate small notes and I started to breath again! You know you probably have this cemetry of links you will never open and articles you will never read. I have such pile as well, links in browser in “favorites”, pile of links in org backlog file.

The only problem is when to read them or should I read it at all?

Org-roam gives an answer to this. Whenever you work on something, create a card, put your link there and forget. Once you decide to work on the topic, it will be easy to find! The system fives all bunch of tools like “grep” to find the term you’re looking for. Use tags to filter out the cards you need if the topic is too wide.

Well. So far so good, this seems to work for me so far. I hope it works for you too.