Maksym Prokopov personal blog
Idea is a something worth sharing

Deployment process with Hashicorp Nomad


Reading time: 3 min.

As, probably, many of you, I did a long journey from manual FTP sync, to semi-automated tools like Capistrano, then manually managed docker deployments, then anisble managed docker containers and finally, met the orchestration system of choice - Hashicorp Nomad.

TLDR: Kubernetes is too heavy for my moderate needs. Hashicorp Nomad strikes the right balance between features and maintenance complexity.

At some point in time I felt a need for better container orchestration system that I could run by myself in Hetzner. Funny enough, DHH and Co. came to the same conclusion, but implemented in a different way. They developed completely own version of ansible on steroids named Kamal. This has right for existence, but imho has own flaws, like manual nodes management for fault tolerance and challenge to keep versions of deployed artifacts in sync. The push based deployment always suffers from this. People were trying to solve this issues already for quite a long time by using systems like Chef of Puppet.

The modern world is all about containers. But what options do we have for orchestration? Kubernetes. Apache Mesos. Docker Swarm. Every option requires quite extensive knowledge just to maintain it.

This is what happens when I merge to the main branch.

GitHub Deployment Flow

And my workflow looks like this

    needs: version
    uses: ./.github/workflows/build.yml
      tag: ${{ needs.version.outputs.version }}

    needs: [version, docker]
    uses: ./.github/workflows/deploy.yml
      tag: ${{ needs.version.outputs.version }}
      environment: staging

    needs: [version, docker, deploy-staging]
    uses: ./.github/workflows/deploy.yml
      tag: ${{ needs.version.outputs.version }}
      environment: production

Deploy to Hashicorp Nomad snippet

name: Deploy
        required: true
        default: ${{ github.sha }}
        type: string
        required: true
        default: staging
        type: string
    runs-on: self-hosted
    environment: ${{inputs.environment}}
    concurrency: ${{inputs.environment}}
      - name: Deploy with Nomad
          REGISTRY: <registry>
          REPOSITORY: <myapp>
          IMAGE_TAG: ${{ inputs.tag }}
        run: |
          nomad run -var='version=${{ inputs.tag }}' deployment/${{ inputs.environment }}.nomad.hcl          

This is it! I fond of simplicity and power of the HCL language for the configuration. It also integrated with Hashicorp Vault out of the box, so my secrets provisioning looks like this.

{{- with secret "instances/data/adminka/database" }}
DATABASE_URL="mysql2://{{ }}:{{ }}@{{ }}/{{ }}"
{{- end }}

Service discovery with Hashicorp Consul is just built-in! It lives in the same HCL config file.

{{ range service "production.prometheus-adminka-exporter" }}

{{ end }}

For my ephemeral environments I have the HCL configuration that also brings me mysql and redis containers. When the application starts, init container is responsible for creation of DB schema and populating the ephemeral database with sample data using seeds screept.


The whole deployment to ephemeral environment I've just described takes 44s. Less than a minute to setup: MySQL 8, Redis, Sphinx Search and populate with the sample data (every run with new data!). After the PR is closed, the ephemeral environment is gone as well.


Nomad topology management

What makes Hashicorp Nomad so powerful?

P.S. One of the thing I discovered to be particulary challenging is to spin up containers with restiq for backups, the nodes with necessary volumes can be full, therefore the container just can't be spined up. For now monitoring somehow saves , but a good solution yet to be found.