Maksym Prokopov personal blog
Idea is a something worth sharing

2024 Tech in Review

Reading time: 2 min.

2024 was definitely a year of AI

models are top-notch and I found myself using them a lot.


IMHO, the editors w/o tight AI integration will fade away at some point.

Cursor is an editor with most notable integration with AI API, allows to have nice interactions with code suggestions from LLM.

Another notable example is NeoVIM. This year I’ve invested a lot into making baby steps with nvim. Probably, the easiest way to start is by using NVChad, a curated set of plugins. I used to use vim a lot back in the days with Ruby on Rails development and I liked the experience back then. NeoVIM makes integration of a lot of tools a breeze with LUA. It was interesting to discover Clojure dialect of LUA - Fennel. Fennel can be used to write extensions for NeoVIM as well. DHH is moved away from macOS to Linux and his new tech stack includes NeoVIM with curated configs gathered in a tool “Omakub”. I clearly see this trend to build platform-like utilities. For example, once - is a command line tool used to deliver updates to the standalone applications, like WriteBook.

Moldable Development

Both things intended to create a tools for developer to streamline the process.

Notably, both languages powering the technologies: Lisp and SmallTalk are not much in use by the industry.

Self-hosted tools.

Writebook - self-hosted free replacement for Confluence from 37 Signals. Yet, not adopted widely.

Emacs with vim keybindings and without

This year I’ve conducted an experiment switching doom Emacs to normal Emacs keybindings using Cmd instead of Ctrl button

Diagrams as a code

It’s still hard to use mermaid diagrams as a code with Obsidian.

Obsidian vs LogSeq

Obsidian clearly wins with the ease of working with UI. Great mobile application makes it standing out.

This year I started paying for LogSeq, since it has issues with offloading org files and therefore, search and all this stuff.

Obsidian somehow knows how to overcome these limits.

Deployment and container orchestration

Hashicorp Nomad is still my favourite for container orchestration. This year I played with service mesh by Consul Connect with CNI integration.

I’m still not very convinced if it’s worth the hassle in my case. It adds complexity for sure, but also adds a layer of security and observability.