Maksym Prokopov personal blog
Idea is a something worth sharing

Compare Postgres speed within Docker and without

Reading time: 2 min.

I decided to compare if there will be significant differences between dockerized and non-dockerized Postgres.

Here is my test environment:

I use Postgres docker version alpine 9.6 which is 37,7Mb and raw Postgres 9.6 with GUI for Mac which is 379Mb.

Rails run locally, database.yml connects to the localhost postgres with pool 5 using gem pg (0.21.0).

Here is my docker-compose config

image: postgres:alpine
- 5432:5432
image: adminer
- 8080:8080
- db

With docker
Finished in 46.86 seconds (files took 17.77 seconds to load)
628 examples, 0 failures

Without docker, 
Finished in 31.35 seconds (files took 8.38 seconds to load)
628 examples, 0 failures

And again withDocker
Finished in 41.64 seconds (files took 8.24 seconds to load)
628 examples, 0 failures

And again without Docker
Finished in 31.53 seconds (files took 8.01 seconds to load)
628 examples, 0 failure

And again with Docker
Finished in 41.77 seconds (files took 8.51 seconds to load)
628 examples, 0 failures

So its 41,5 seconds for Docker version and 31,53 seconds without Docker in average.
This is 24% difference in particular rails rspec case, which is quite significant as for comparison and IMHO is not so significant for the testing loop.

At least this is a price you pay for the container portability and convenience.